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Thank you so much for playing "Waltz for Debbie by Bill Evans again for me .
. .you know how much Bill Evans means to me and you convey his "cluster
chordings" so well - he would be proud!  I am of you!  You will have to send
me that sheet music sometime.

Valentine's Day is coming up and I am gearing up for hearing songs like "The
Shadow of Your Smile", "The Days of Wine and Roses", "My Funny Valentine",
"Spring Can Really Hang You Up The Most", "Beautiful Love" . . . and that
anniversary song you wrote!!!

You are such a 'gem' on the BBS Radio Network Steve  - we have never had a
show like yours!!! Thank you for coming into our lives and bringing your
wonderful music - hugs and kisses to you and Janice . . .

Love, Debrah

I want to thank you for your show on Tuesday evenings. I appreciate your thoughts and feelings that you share with us each week. A lot of what you say is basic common sense that comes from the heart. But many of us don't take the time during our busy lives to explore the ideas/feelings that you express on your show.

Once again thanks & I look forward to your next show!

Joe from warm & sunny CA.

I have been listening to your show for some time now & I must say that last night's interview with Jake Olson was inspiring.

Jake Olson is one of those rare individuals that had a devastating blow to his health and turned it into something positive not only for himself but also for others.

Thanks again for the engrossing interview and I look forward to your next show.

~ A listener in the Bay Area, CA

Love the new Sunday line up on BBS Radio and your show!  The two of you are very  charismatic and alive - and I love what you had to say about "lift or drift" and the "emotional compass" - looking forward to more insights and knowledge - thank you for giving.

Susan, Chicago

Good afternoon Senator. I have been an avid listener to your show ever since it began. I enjoy the views you share on the topics of the day. And although I might not agree at times I do find them insightful.

I also enjoy the rapport you have with Kathleen & the sense of humor the two of you share.

I thought your show yesterday concerning public education was insightful and informative. I hope you have more shows in the future concerning this topic.

Thanks again & I look forward to more shows from you & Kathleen.

Joe from San Jose, Ca.

I noticed that your time slot has changed to the evening. Since I work during the day it now makes it easier for me to listen to your show. There is one song I would like to request which is Moon River. Breakfast @ Tiffany's was my late wife's and I favorite film. She especially liked that song. It would be great if you would play it on your next show.

Thanks again for your show.

Joe from San Jose, Ca.

Congrats!!!  That was a really good show you and Rochelle put on last Tuesday!  And, that sketch in the Feelings Shop was priceless -- really well done.  In fact, is there a way you could make a clip of just the sketch -- and post it on your web site -- as an intro to the fun from your show???

My friend D told me about your life and your new show on BBS radio. What an incredible journey you've had! I listened to your show for the 1st time this past week. My deceased wife went thru abuse as a child & I wish a show like this was on when she was alive. She felt very much alone and did not know how to emotionally deal with it as an adult. Thank you very much for sharing your life experiences and for your show on BBS radio.


Hi Tony. I listened to your show for the 1st time this week & love it. I live in the sf Bay Area & will be selling my condo soon. My question is this: it is a 30 yr old cond that really needs to be upgraded. It would take about $10,000 to put it in pristine condition to sell but would only increase the sale value by $20,000 or so. Is it really worth doing.

Thanks again for your show. It's a great addition to BBS radio

Joe from the SF Bay Area

Thank you so much for remembering and playing John Denver - he is missed - and it was wonderful hearing this on your harp - I never thought I would like harp music, but you have changed my mind entirely! Love your show - its like having my own piano bar in my living room and I don't get out much anymore - thank you and your wife Janis for bringing me the kind of music I like - loved the whole show - bless you both.

Mary Alice - Florida

I just happened to be listening and I was surprised to find a real music show on this network - I loved your version of "My Way" and everything about your show - your show has alot of warmth.

Sincerely, Richard /San Francisco, Ca

I just discovered you and I'm looking forward to learning more.

~ Unknown

Thank you for finally giving one of your shows a "second part" - I listen to
you and so many times I heard you say you would have a guest back again, but
I've never heard them back on your show to carry on the conversation. Kudos
to you for bringing your guest back and continuing the topic of "Bias in the
Classroom" - it was terrific!  I hope you will do this more often in the
future.  I enjoy all the different subjects you cover.

Sara from Pittsburg, PA

"As the PR/Marketing Director of BBS Talk Radio Network in California, I met
Dwayne and encouraged him to bring into fruition his idea for a show called
"Teen Train" dedicated to guiding our youth of America in finding a direction
to personal empowerment, purpose, self respect, and a compassion for others
within the grace of what God's light opens for us all. His on-going radio
show on the BBS Radio Network has accomplished just that! Dwayne has become a
strong leader of influence and structure for the teenagers who are in
desperate need of vision, guidance and acceptance.  Dwayne, to me, is a
modern day "hero" of strength and personal accountability. Mr. Fred Rogers of
"Mister Rogers Neighborhood" on TV was also a "hero" of mine for many, many
years and still is . . . mainly because he told children that they were
valued "just the way they were" and mirrored to them a way of recognizing and
talking about their "feelings inside", making sense of them, accepting them,
and finding words and ways of expressing them appropriately and honestly
through play, music, art, dance, etc. Dwayne does something very similar for
teenagers - and that is why I have always affectionately referred to him as
the "Mister Rogers" of this time.  What Dwayne does for our youth is to help
them nurture the fact that they have importance and value. May the "Train"
always move on and give future and guidance to our youth . . .thank you
Dwayne for all that you do."

What a show today Dwayne!  I so enjoyed your guest and all the great
knowledge expressed, how you both work with the youth, and her words about
the Holy Spirit and the power of love - this was a show close to my heart -
thank you!  I'm also going to email your guest and let her know she is
touching so many people - you both are! May the "train" keeping going . . .

D from California

Here is a place you can leave me feedback

Good evening Jorge. I was glad to hear that you were returning to BBS radio.
I always enjoyed your shows in the past and tonight's show was exceptionally

Previously when you were on BBS radio I would sit down with dinner and listen
to your show. With you back on the air again it was like sharing dinner with
an old friend.

I selflessly enjoy your "one man" shows and that there are no callers to
disturb your train of thought.

I realize the time and energy it must take to prepare for your show so thank
you again for returning to BBS radio.

I look forward to many more shows to come.

Once again thank you

~ Joe M.

Oh Jorge, it was soooooooo good to hear your voice, intelligence, and perspective on the radio again . . . I can't tell you how much I missed you on the air.

What a focused topic tonight too - very concise, very passionate and very well thought out and delivered. I also liked your reading tonight - it roped your thoughts in so well.

Again, you are able to deliver your soliloquy shows with profound grace . . . and that is what I so enjoy about you and you alone - there is almost a great "theatre" in hearing you and radio is definitely your art.

Thank you for coming back to BBS Radio!!!!

With Warm Regards,
Debrah Emerson

Steve - Thank you for playing "Sheep May Safely Graze" by Bach (on your debut show) on Harp - I usually hear it only on piano, but the Harp was lovely - truly lovely!! Love your show!!!

~ Debrah

Wow!!! What an amazing interview! Thank you for the quality interviews/guests/topics you are bringing to your show. I am really enjoying listening and learning! Keep up the great work! All the best,

~ Julia